Thursday, September 2, 2010


I read one of the most interesting quotes that truly hit me hard for Tuesdays assigned reading.
According to Althusser " Ideology teaches workers to accept and submit to their own exploitation while teaching managers and administrators to practice the craft of ruling on behalf of the dominant class". (PG.65 Barker) This quote opened my eyes to something so evident. I work in retail, where I see many older Latin American woman work horrible long shifts, I see them get treated like dogs, correction dogs is wrong, they get treated like scum. Many times I have wondered to myself why is it that they are still there? Why is it that they allow such treatment? Until this quote, I was blinded by the evident answer that laid in front of my face. Those woman are not only taught to be afraid because of necessity, but they later accept, become CONTENT with their position, which allows these horrible undeserving managers and administrators to act the way they do.

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